Married vs Singles: The Last Stand

How relationships of people in their 20s and 30s evolve? Are there more married women than men? People tend to marry less in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay?

To answer this questions I used data from the National Census 2011, in particular the survey related to the relationship status for people between 20 and 39 years old.

These are the big numbers:

  • Montevideo:
    • 71.691 married
    • 149.550 singles
  • Interior
    • 122.572 married
    • 155.240 singles

You can see that 32,4% of surveyed people in Montevideo are married while 67,6% are single.

In the rest of the country the married people represent 44,1% of the surveyed people, that is, 11,7 percentage points more than in Montevideo. The 55,9% are single.

For Montevideo, most of the married women have 38 years while in the rest of the country most of the married women have 36 years. In the case of men, the age is the same: 39 years old.

Used technologies

The charts were generated with the NormalizedBarChart component of WebDetails's Community Charting Components.

D3 was also used for data handling.

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